February 17, 2012

Oil and Balls

Yep so this post is totally not what all you dirty birds think it's about! Just a blurb about a few new favorite things.

So visiting my Sis back in Chicago, she has the complete opposite hair type that I do, she said she had started using Marrakesh oil. Now given the origin of this oil I am sure I am one of the last people on earth to know about this amazing stuff but I highly recommend it. If you style your hair often with hot tools or just have naturally dry, colored, or processed hair try this stuff out! A little dab and it's like you've put on a whole new head of hair. It smells fantastic to me, like a masculine version of a vanilla cupcake. It's not greasy and I am generally not one for hair products and I try not to wash my hair everyday (no that's not gross, it's unnecessary and environmentally responsible) so products build up or end up on my pillow and I end up breaking out. My sister has crazy curly hair and mine is stick straight so it obviously works well on either hair type.


Ok and so now for the balls or ball as it may be. Yep I finally did it I finally bought one of those ball office chair contraptions. Ok so it looks totally ridiculous and I've already been teased about it several times. The fact of the matter is I sit at a desk 8+ hours a day with little opportunity to get much movement other that from the 64oz. of water and 3 cups of coffee I consume at my desk or heading the break room or copier I pretty much am stuck chained to my desk, blarg!

I started to notice my back and neck were really bugging me at the end of the day which proceeded into being an all day thing which I finally attributed to my posture and subsequently to my office chair. If you've ever contemplated a ball chair or read any reviews you know they get mixed reactions. Personally I can FEEL it working. If you don't keep your muscles engaged you sink side to side or fall off the chair in general. I can feel the back of my legs and butt working and ABsolutely can feel my core engaged to keep me upright. No slouching either! Slouching pushes the chair back which makes it awkward and uncomfortable. Anyway long story short is if your work in corporate America and are not allowed to escape your desk invest in one of these babies.


I don't suggest using the oil and balls together though!

Cheers to all things wonderful and healthy!

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