February 17, 2012

Back to Basics

So by now you have no doubt viewed the Chipotle commercial that aired during the Super Bowl, if not take a peek now. I am literally nearly brought to tears by this commercial. Not just by the sweet sentiment of the thoughtful farmer or the cleverly animated little piggies but by the over all concept. I commend Chipotle for not only building an environmentally conscious business model but for being bold enough to put together a mass marketed commercial stating their opinion on what is wrong with our agricultural society, government, and consumption without being blatantly offensive.

While Chipotle is technically "fast-food" and isn't necessarily healthy it presents an option to the giant, corporate, conglomeration fry it up and pump it out as cheap as humanly possible chains. If Chipotle can sustain this type of business model my question is why can't all fast food chains? Sure this would probably mean they'd have to increase what they charge for a burger, but would that be the end of the world? If it means making their global foot print smaller and maybe avoiding what seem to be inevitable increased taxes on their products to make up for their unhealthy burden on those with less than stellar will power and failing health why would they want to continue to use up precious resources that eventually will decrease their revenue?

Maybe I'm getting to gushy over a little ole commercial but deep down a little part of me was touched and reawakened by Chipotle's commitment to a better product and a better business model. Food is just plain important, it doesn't need to be pumped full of chemicals and antibiotics to be mass produced to feed an ever increasing population or feed our ever growing waist-lines. Maybe if we all stop being such gluttons in American and quit pointing the finger at each other or at our government and own up to our decisions this type of practice would be sustainable for every business.

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