January 27, 2012

Confetti in the Kitchen

So as I mentioned I am a bit of a freak when it comes to bowls. Some people hoard reusable containers, ok I kind of have a problem there too, some people collect Hummels, and others collect various other trinkets and chotchkies. I on the other hand prefer my collecting to be of the functional variety. I think somehow this has translated down the line from my Mom's side. Her Mother, my Grandma Tippy, was born during the GREAT depression (unlike the great recession we have been experiencing now for what 10 years). As the story goes my Great Grandparents were so poor at one point they didn't have enough money to buy a stamp, I believe it too. Growing up, like my Grandmother did, in very rural Burlington, IA with only your vegetable garden and the handy crafts of neighbors and fellow church goers to sustain you would lead any family to cherish and keep everything that might now or someday be of any use or value.

Where am I going with this? My Mom too held on to just about everything that came into our home when I was a kid. Though eventually mass purging would take place to make way for new and wonderful treasures found during our summer escapades throughout Chicago and trips to Iowa, Indian, Wisconsin, and so on. Somehow all of this "collecting" had an opposite effect on me, as an adult, causing minor panic attacks when piles start to over run the house thus the functional collecting began!

Bowls are functional in every which way. The kids use them in the summer to make mud soup outside, they collect "unique" rocks from the gravel piles in the park, bowls are handy when harvesting the precious fruits of our long summer labor from the garden, they make handy resting places for the junk that isn't junky enough for the junk drawer but to junky to be displayed and doesn't have a proper home, and most importantly they become vessels of creativity in the kitchen.

If you think about it many of us have bowls passed down from Grandma and Great-Grandma that we spent Easters and Christmases mixing cookies, cakes, bread dough, and other treats while chewing their ears off and spilling the beans on our siblings. Those bowls aren't just bowls but rather they represent those who came before us and all of their heritage, knowledge, and caring. Maybe that's why my bowls are so important. Maybe someday I'll pass down my favorite set of confetti nesting bowls to my daughter in the hopes she too will fill them with memories and cherish the ones we've made.

My favorite 50's inspired Confetti nesting bowls from Zak! Designs

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